Diet for healthy hair by EVA PROUDMAN
Summer is here, its time to think about how to look after our hair as well as our skin during hot summer days - and summer holidays too!
Diet is absolutely key in terms of maintaining the condition of the hair and the repair of the hair shaft from within. The hair follicle has a very high nutritional need and I thought it would be good to share with you some top tips to keep your crowning glory looking fabulous all summer long:
- Non-vegetarians: 3 portions of protein a day is recommended, an egg at breakfast is a great nutritional source for the hair with a further 2 portions daily of an animal protein. Try 200g of chicken or 250g of salmon, this will benefit the hair formation for up to 6 hours per portion.
These proteins are what are classed as “complete” as they deliver the 8 essential amino acids that can only be obtained from our diet. During summer we all feel like eating less and losing weight, both things that are not good for the hair. Absolute Collagen can be a hair saver if you are trying to drop a dress size quickly, increasing your exercise or just generally eating less because of the heat.
One power-packed, super-convenient sachet gives 7.7g grams of protein and all 8 essential amino acids, which can really help the hair to stay in tiptop condition and aid with things such as iron absorption, which is key for hair.
- Vegetarians: Often choose foods from alternative protein sources such as nuts, seeds, tofu, hummus, soya, etc. However, due to the fact these do not store as effectively as “complete” animal proteins, they need to be consumed more frequently. A handful of nuts, even those with high selenium content such as Brazil nuts, would still only benefit the structure of the hair shaft for up to 2 hours per portion.
Taking Absolute Collagen will boost your protein and essential amino acids hugely and can make all the difference to the quality and quantity of your hair.
If you would like to know how Absolute Collagen can benefit your hair, or if you are worried about your hair or scalp then please e-mail me at eva@absolutecollagen.com
I am a consultant trichologist with a wealth of expertise in this area.
Absolute Collagen - making great hair even better!