Beauty Blogger Charlotte Tudge raves about our collagen sachets!
Another day, another blogger tries out Absolute Collagen!
This week, the fantastic Charlotte Tudge from Charlotte’s Makeup Blog took our drinkable collagen supplements for a test run.
Charlotte is only 23, but being in the beauty world, she’s well aware that the body’s natural collagen supply can start decreasing even in the early twenties! She’s already spotted a few lines on her face, and she thought a trial of our drinkable collagen shots could help.
In the two weeks Charlotte had been taking Absolute Collagen, she noticed that her skin had become firmer, more hydrated and altogether looked healthier.
Her hair looked thicker and she saw an improvement in her nails, too. This was particularly beneficial to Charlotte as she uses acrylic nails, which she has found to weaken her nails over time.
To read more about what Charlotte thought of our collagen sachets then click here.
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