10 ways to look & feel like a better you in 2020
Now that a new year is underway, people are starting to set new goals. New year, new you right?
We don’t believe in the concept of ‘a new you’. We think you’re pretty great just the way you are. Instead, we want you to look at this as a new year, better you. What’s one thing that you’ve been wanting to try, work on, or do this year? That’s what your resolutions should center around.
This is the perfect time to work for a better, healthier you. Here is our advice to bring out the special qualities within ourselves for 2020.
Health kick
A lot of people focus on being healthier in the new year. Whether it’s losing weight, exercising more, trying to eat better, or even drinking more water, a lot of people’s goals for 2020 will probably involve something like this.
These are all doable goals that don’t need a lot of money or time on your part. If exercising more is your goal, join a gym. If you don’t have the time or money for that, you can do some simple exercises at home that don’t break the bank.
Eating healthier shouldn’t be that hard, either. Limit your intake of your favourite sugary snacks, and focus on eating smaller meals more often. A good rule of thumb to follow is to make sure you’re eating lean proteins, whole grains, and lots of vegetables. Even packing your own healthy lunch can help you feel more energised.
Meet people
A great way to feel like a better you is to meet new people, or make time to see those you know and love. Get to know your neighbours if you haven't already, start talking to people in your gym class, or indulge in a little water cooler small talk in the office. There are even apps now to help inspire friendships.
Meeting people is a great way to learn new things, improve communication skills, and of course, gain new and strengthen existing friendships!
Quit smoking
Not only is smoking extremely bad for your health, but it doesn’t do your skin any favours either. Even if it's just the occasional cigarette from time to time, make this year the year you quit for good. This includes vaping, too.
Start something new
Is there a hobby you’ve always wanted to try? Or an activity you’ve wanted to do but never have? Now’s the time!
There's never been a better time to start something new. If there's been a hobby or activity that you've always wanted to do, give it a go. It doesn’t have to be something crazy; you could start reading more, attend a painting class, or even pick up gardening in the spring.
Soon, you’ll have a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to do.
Tidy up
Let’s be honest. Most of us could do with being a little bit more organised. That's why a good goal for 2020 is to clear up all that clutter by donating it. Studies show that mess leads to stress and anxiety, so this year, let’s try to not let the laundry piles overflow and the dishes pile up in the sink.
Spend time with the people you love
This is the year to make lasting memories and surround yourself with the people you love. Go out for dinner, have each other over, and make sure you enjoy every second with your friends, family, and loved ones. Make them know how important they are to you, and treasure every moment and memory that you create over the course of this year.
Start saving
There's no better time to start saving than a new year. Setting aside your extra change or using a savings app can help you save up for that holiday, a new house, or whatever you have your heart set on. While it might not be the most fun goal to have in 2020, it’s an important one. Plus, your future self will thank you for budgeting.
Treat yourself and others with kindness and respect
This year, take time to treat people with kindness and respect. But most importantly, treat yourself that way, too.
Our founder, Maxine, is a big believer in the power of S.I.R: We all should feel safe, important, and respected. While she applies S.I.R. to her business, turning those three things inwards can have a massive impact. They’ll help you fill your dreams, goals, and feel empowered.
You need to be kind to yourself. Mistakes are normal and completely human. Don’t beat yourself up over something that happens to everyone. Mistakes are after all how we learn the things that do and don't work for us.
You also need to respect yourself, too. While it’s easier said than done, it’s important to remember that your past has shaped who you are today, and that you deserve the world. Apply the principles of S.I.R. to yourself, its amazing how when we start to treat ourselves well, others follow suit!
Face your fears
A popular New Year’s resolution is about changing ourselves for the good and there is no better way of doing that than facing a fear, or something that makes us feel insecure, head-on.
It will make you feel better as a person and prove to yourself that no matter what it is that has held you back, you are good enough and strong enough to overcome it. Do not be afraid to tackle a fear. You will benefit massively if you are able to combat it. Maxine, Absolute Collagen;’s founder faced her fears by starting the business we all know and love and look at her, in her own words; she's living the dream’, doing what she loves and making a positive difference to others.
Take collagen supplements
During busy periods, the one thing we usually neglect is the most important – ourselves. So make one your resolutions to take care of yourself.
An easy way to do this is to take supplements, particularly collagen. Collagen helps skin, nails, muscles, hair, and joints. And Absolute Collagen makes it even easier. You can take it straight from the sachet — no powders, measuring, or blenders needed — so you can focus your energy on the most important thing: you.
Packed with 7.7 grams of protein and 8 grams of the finest hydrolysed collagen, just one a day can contribute to your whole body feeling better on the inside and out.
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