What are the benefits of collagen for the skin?
A big part of achieving – and keeping – clearer and younger looking skin, is understanding what it’s made of! Particularly, the importance of collagen for skin health.
This insight offers the best starting point for taking good care of your “epidermis”. Including potentially boosting your levels of collagen for skin repair and renewal.
Maintaining skin that naturally rejuvenates and looks good is important for many reasons; whatever your age, gender or circumstances. Making the potential benefits offered by collagen for skin universally appealing.
Healthy skin brings with it more confidence and improves our sense of wellbeing. It also provides good resistance to wrinkles, fine lines, dry patches and irritation. Looking after your skin properly can hold back the effects of ageing and manage health conditions too.
On the other side of the coin, you’re probably aware of the negative impact your lifestyle and environment can have on your skin’s structure and appearance. Extreme temperatures, wind, central heating and everyday air pollution take their toll.
And of course, the saying “You are what you eat” is medically supported to a large extent! Certainly for skin appearance and structure. For healthy skin, it is vital to stay well hydrated and achieve your “Five A Day”!
Let’s now look more closely at why adding collagen for the skin to your daily regime should become “second nature” too, and the potential benefits it brings.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin.
In fact, collagen is around one-third of our body’s total protein mass. Particularly as it is the organic material your body uses for other connective tissues; affecting bones, muscles and even blood vessels. That’s how important it is!
One way to think about collagen is that it is the “glue” that supports many of our body parts, and most definitely in the formation of skin.
In fact, the word collagen comes from the Greek words “kola” which means glue and “gen” which translates as “producing".
The wonderful thing about collagen is that you don’t have to rely on your own production systems. Particularly as various factors can interfere with your body’s ability to renew it adequately (primarily the process of ageing).
Medical science has found a way to create a purified form of collagen, including a specific form of this protein aimed at skin structure. Taken as a supplement, collagen offers the potential to boost skin health in a highly convenient way. It’s possible to digest it easily, to give your body’s natural abilities a helping hand.
How Collagen Helps Skin
So how does collagen for skin work?
Every type of protein you eat – including collagen supplements – is broken down by your digestive system into amino acids; or peptides, which are a form of amino acids.
It’s a highly complex process. However, generally, it's the system your body uses to maintain a steady supply of the “building blocks” it needs. Getting the right mix of protein types is important.
Not least as the body’s cells are in a constant cycle of dying off and can be damaged by the normal wear and tear of daily life.
Now imagine if your body doesn’t have access to enough of the protein that forms skin – collagen.
Repair and regeneration will be impaired, leaving your skin far more susceptible to damage. Including the signs of ageing.
The reason it's so important to target collagen, and make sure you have enough, is that it is a valuable source of a specific set of amino acids; the ones that your skin needs and loves! These include amino acids called glycine, proline and hydroxyproline.
Your body should naturally produce these three important chemicals, by breaking down naturally consumed protein. However, medical science shows that ageing slows this down.
The good news is, that it's possible to help the process along in several ways.
For many people, consuming collagen for skin supplements is the most straightforward way to potentially boost those vital amino acids.
When you have a strong enough supply of this type of collagen, your body uses it to build, repair and renew the structure of your skin. Including making it stronger, more elasticated and better able to retain moisture.
Best Ways to Boost Collagen
How can you increase the amount of collagen for skin that your body can work with?
The easiest way is to regularly take scientifically formulated supplements. Particularly Absolute Collagen, created using the highest possible quality standards.
This is “drinkable” skincare, delivering carefully measured amounts of collagen for skin, in a form that is pleasant to taste and easily absorbed.
Regularly taking a collagen supplement should also be backed up by adding more of certain foods to your diet – ones that are also rich in the three amino acids referred to above.
For example, fish and dairy products are a great source of all three. You can boost your access to the complete set of these beneficial amino acids by eating various plant foods too, such as soy, leafy green vegetables, beans, bananas and kiwi.
Some foods have concentrated levels of one of those skin-beneficial amino acids. Peppers are a great source of hydroxyproline and you can eat mushrooms, potatoes and asparagus for proline.
Also, if you eat foods rich in Vitamin C – such as citrus fruits and broccoli – it helps your body to produce its own supply of collagen for skin.
The quantities and freshness of these foods affect their benefits though.
This makes regularly taking measured and controlled collagen for skin supplements a more assured option.
Getting into the habit of boosting these three fabulous amino acids using collagen should also run alongside other important skin health measures.
This includes using sunblock and clinically formulated moisturising products. Also, its highly recommended that you cut down on sugar, alcohol and smoking too, for skin improvements.
Why the wise choice is Absolute Collagen, It makes infinite sense to use the leading collagen supplement, if you take your skin health and appearance seriously. All of our many satisfied customers can’t be wrong!
Absolute Collagen is backed by extensive research and rigorous quality control to achieve several important aims. This is why it has also gained prestigious awards.
Instant or overnight results? No, of course not.
Absolute Collagen is more a long-term strategy to improve general skin health, making it easy for natural regeneration and repair to take place.
You could even say that Absolute Collagen goes below the “surface” of the beauty industry brings the potential of many layers of health and wellbeing improvement from the inside out.