True Representation
The Facebook-famous term ‘feeling blessed’ gets quite a lot of ‘stick’ for sounding a bit cheesy, and let’s face it, rather smug. But it is the first quote that comes to mind when I aim to describe my working life. And that’s because I believe I was made to do what I do!
As a 39-year-old mum of three with a CV as long as my arm – there isn’t a lot I haven’t tried on the money-making front. University-trained journalist turned Marketing Manager turned Primary School Teacher with some entrepreneurial roles in-between – what has mattered most to me in the past decade is finding work-life balance that adapts around my family.
So after having some success in the network marketing field post-2014, the nature of the role led me to an old parent/teacher relationship being reignited. It was this (rather stunning) individual who introduced me to the concept of drinkable collagen last March.
Not being a stranger to supplements in the health and beauty field, I was intrigued by this new UK-based product which I was told had been first cooked up in a Wolverhampton woman’s kitchen!
I wasn’t sure what to expect – but when the vibrant yellow and rose fold box landed on my lap – I was VERY impressed.
So that was my introduction to Absolute Collagen; and it sparked a personal interest in me. Being passionate about health, beauty and wellness anyway, I could see that there could be a really big following for something which claimed all of the things synonymous with ingestible collagen; better skin, hair, nails, digestion, less wrinkles, high protein, joint-care, ligament-care, skin hydration, lean muscle-building – a whole host of health and beauty ‘wants’ in modern society in a natural and non-invasive way.
So I scuttled home, downed the first sachet (yes I did think first off that the taste was a little…’different’) and started immediately researching all I could about collagen and Absolute Collagen the brand itself.
Now – by day 3 – I could see a visible improvement in my skin, particularly around the crow’s feet area of my eyes. My skin looked ‘plumper’ and had a dewy kind of appearance which screamed ‘youth!’ This seemed like liquid gold!
A meeting with my business partner, Katy, led her to complimenting me on my appearance – to which end I chatted excitedly about this brand new product on the market and how quickly it seemed to be working. So Katy purchased a box too – and was equally impressed by the Absolute Collagen results.
My ethos in life is that I cannot represent something which I don’t believe in – and I go on my gut instinct. But I was excited about this product and the results (literally) right in front of my face.
With my marketing and journalistic background and being in business partnership with Katy in management and promotions, it seemed like a perfect fit. We wanted to be part of this innovative new brand.
We met with Maxine Laceby, the founder and CEO of the company, and hit it off immediately. So in May – we were crowned Brand Managers and the three amigos began the exciting journey to world collagen domination – side-by-side with an unshakeable belief that beauty DOESN’T have to be pocket deep and EVERYONE (men included) deserves to be the very best version of themselves.
So today – I am ‘feeling blessed’ as I get to use all the skills I have gained in my working career to spread the Absolute Collagen love – all around my three children – and I look and feel pretty damned good too! #sorrynotsorry 💛
See mine and Katy's video story here