Skinny Ramblings on Absolute Collagen
A couple of weeks ago I was asked if I would like to review a skincare product relatively new to the market - Absolute Collagen Daily Dose of Beauty. Advertised as "drinkable skincare" I was more than a little intrigued as whenever new products come on the market making any sort of promises of anti ageing I'm usually right there in the queue wanting to give it a go and lets face it, what's not to love about the prospect of a fab new skincare treat to try?
First impressions when I opened the box? Yellow! It's super bright packaging looks fab, really bright and eye-catching and consists of a neat little box containing your 14 days worth of supplements. Now, as much as I'm the first to want to try these new fangled potions, I have to say I'm a bit (a lot) sceptical about these sort of things so the thought of a gel to drink each day made me a little nervous - would it taste foul? Would it actually do anything?? More to the point would it be safe for me to take - I'm Type 1 diabetic so obviously have to be a teeny bit careful with these sort of things.
Thankfully I had nothing to worry about. These little beauties are free from lactose, gluten and dairy, have no artificial colours, flavours or sugars, don't affect blood cholesterol and are free of any nasty fats or hidden extras. So nothing to worry about on the "what the hell is in this" front.
Next up, the taste test. Now I'm not going to lie, I had every inkling these would be disgusting. We all know things that are supposed to be good for you usually do but you know what? It actually tastes nice! It's flavoured with lemon and I then realised (when I read the packet) that you can mix it into smoothies, juices, or even just plain old water so there's more than one way to skin this cat. Kind of like the Creme Egg thing of "how do you eat yours" there are a few different options on the website to help you choose. Me? Down in one. #hardcore.
Aside from how pretty the packaging is (very) and how it doesn't taste completely foul (honest) let's just get right into what these things even do. (The science bit!) To put it in a nutshell, as kids we have a load of collagen to make our skin plump and smooth, hair thick and healthy and nails nice and long and scratchy but as we get older it just starts to disappear. In fact after the age of 25 it depletes pretty fast and by 40, we've lost around a third of the stuff. Scary huh?! This is the part where we start finding wrinkles and things start to erm, sag. So the guys at Absolute realised that the best way to help this is to boost it all from the inside, making everything just a little more youthful. It even helps to assist muscle recovery after workouts (so less of the squealing in pain the day after a HIIT workout) and can even sort out skin troubles like adult acne and eczema. It has 9g of protein in each little sachet so gives you a nice little boost (a single egg has 13g for you gym bunnies out there) and boasts a joyfully measly 36 calories.
Too good to be true? Five days in, my skin started to look a little more plumped and smooth and I could see a difference. A fortnight in and even after a heavy weekend (and my God, it was) when my skin would usually break out into Prosecco induced pimples, it's clear and dare I say glowing, I'm seriously impressed.
Even my husband (who barely noticed when I completely changed my hair colour not so long ago...) commented that my skin looked smoother. Compliment indeed! Plus, my nails aren't chipping like they usually do and my hair is as shiny as Lassie's right now so I'm pretty thrilled.
In short, I like this stuff! So much so, I've placed another order for the next fortnight and definitely plan on keeping this up. You can even subscribe so you get a pack fortnightly and you don't even have to lift a finger, how cool is that?
If you want to give this a try, and I promise you it's worth it, why not take a look at www.absolutecollagen.com or contact jayne@absolutecollagen.com.
Written by skinnyjeansandcoffeeblog.com