Maxine and Darcy answer all your questions in our collagen Q&A
We’re back with another Q&A session. This month, Darcy Laceby, our Chief Operations Officer, joins her mum and our founder, Maxine Laceby, answering all your collagen questions.
We had such an amazing response to our Q&A with top trichologist Eva Proudman —and so many of you had general questions about collagen and Absolute Collagen— that we thought we’d give another session a go.
You can watch the entire Q&A below. Thanks to all of our #Absoluters who sent in their questions!
Here’s a snippet of what Maxine and Darcy covered in the Q&A:
Do you test for heavy metals?
Yes - we do! That’s really important to us, as safety is our top priority. We have certificates for every single batch that shows what tests have been performed.
Absolute Collagen also contains no gluten, soy, wheat, lactose, starch, or yeast, as well as no artificial flavouring, sugars, artificial colours, pork derivatives, or alcohol. It’s also free of fat and cholesterol and will not affect blood cholesterol.
How much Vitamin C is added to Absolute Collagen?
There’s 65mg of Vitamin C in each sachet. Vitamin C helps collagen break down faster in the body, as well as contributes to normal collagen production in the body. 65 mg is the perfect amount to aid the absorption of collagen and is a vital part of our formula.
When is the best time of day to take Absolute Collagen?
You can take Absolute Collagen whenever it suits your lifestyle. Some of our #Absoluters take their sachet first thing in the morning, while others prefer to take it at night. Fitness buffs like to take it after the gym for a post-workout boost. The only thing we say is not to take Absolute Collagen with a heavy protein regime, as it affects the absorption.
Is there an age limit to take this?
Nope - anyone, of any age, can take their daily dose. In fact, the less collagen you produce - or the older you are - the better it will work as it will help kickstart collagen production again. Meanwhile, we see that a lot of our younger #Absoluters take it for prevention.
Still have a few questions for Team AC? Send them our way by emailing questions@absolutecollagen.com and we’ll get back to you… or answer them in our next Q&A!