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November 4, 2019

Is collagen good for psoriasis?

If you suffer from psoriasis, you have probably heard about several different ways to treat it. From creams to salt baths, there are many remedies to lessen itching and dry skin. But is collagen good for psoriasis? The answer is yes!

Collagen can help to reduce flare-ups and treat psoriasis, and it's easy to see why. Collagen plays an important part in keeping skin healthy, so it makes sense that it can help relieve symptoms.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that affects the skin. It's found in individuals of all ages, meaning you can go through most of your life without suffering from any symptoms. According to the NHS, it affects around 2% of people in the UK.

The condition is caused by an overproduction of skin cells that can leave plaques to form on the skin. Psoriasis is easily recognisable, but although it's similar to eczema, it isn't the same condition.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure for psoriasis. But there are different treatments that can help lessen the severity of the symptoms.

Psoriasis can be very uncomfortable and can make sufferers feel self-conscious, so finding a treatment that can help to relieve the symptoms of the condition is often a priority. As psoriasis causes skin inflammation, collagen proteins in the skin of the sufferer can break down. Collagen plays a hugely important role in skin health. So, any disease that results in a break down of collagen is going to have a noticeable impact on the appearance and condition of the skin.

Why is collagen good for psoriasis?

Collagen is the main protein that makes up skin and connective tissue. It's a staple ingredient in most beauty products, and many swear by the health benefits of collagen supplements or bone broth.

Good levels of collagen keep the skin looking healthy and tight. This helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

Psoriasis is inflammatory conditioning, which has a large effect on the levels of collagen in the skin. Inflammation causes collagen to stop working. So taking a collagen supplement helps the skin and cells rebuild. It also kickstarts collagen production again.

Hydrolyzed collagen is key as it enters the bloodstream faster than any other form.

If you suffer from psoriasis, then collagen might be what you need to help keep your skin soft and supple.

A more natural solution

Prescribed steroid-based medication is common for psoriasis sufferers. But those who prefer a natural approach don't have to worry.

Collagen offers sufferers a more natural solution to treating psoriasis. Sometimes sufferers can try a variety of traditional medications with very little success. Thus, opting to take supplements such as collagen and other vitamins that are known to help the symptoms associated with psoriasis can be a welcome change.

Psoriasis that affects the scalp

Although many people experience psoriasis on their hands, feet and other areas, psoriasis can also affect the scalp.

This can lead to sore red areas that can itch and leave flakes of skin in the hair. It is a very unpleasant condition for those that suffer from it.

The hair and its roots need proteins to remain healthy. Taking supplements that contain proteins like keratin (what hair is made from) and collagen can help hair stay healthy and strong.

If you suffer from psoriasis on the scalp, then introducing collagen into the body alongside coal tar shampoo can also help to combat the flakiness, redness, and other unpleasant symptoms. As a bonus, it also improves the overall condition of the hair.

Other alternatives

As mentioned earlier, there is no cure for psoriasis. But that doesn't stop people from trying natural methods to aid their symptoms.

When used alongside a collagen supplement, these methods may help relieve some of the more annoying symptoms.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera plants contain a gel known to relieve itching, stings, burns, and other skin problems. You can rub some aloe vera cream — or better yet, gel straight from the plant — on an itchy spot for some relief.

Barberry: Have you heard of barberry? Probably not. It's fairly difficult to get ahold of, but barberry creams are said to help with psoriasis symptoms.

Fish oil: Fish oil has been used for years to treat a variety of medical conditions, and psoriasis is one of them. Taking Omega 3 supplements alongside collagen may help to reduce the likeliness of flare-ups.

Man with red, dry patches on neck.

How Absolute Collagen can help:

We asked at the beginning of this article "Is collagen good for psoriasis?", the answer, of course, was yes.

But, there are a few conditions.

Collagen creams won't help as much as a supplement, so for relief, it's better to take it orally.

You'll also want to take Type 1 collagen. Almost 70% of the skin is Type 1 collagen. Marine collagen is also scientifically proven to work better than other forms of Type 1, including bovine.

Another thing to look out for is Vitamin C. Vitamin C and collagen both contribute to healthy skin. Together, they can also help to keep the symptoms of various skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis under control.

Absolute Collagen ticks all those boxes.

Our ready-mixed collagen sachets contain 8000mg of hydrolysed marine collagen, as well as Vitamin C. The sachets also have proline and glycine, which are amino acids that reduce inflammation.

Taken daily for best effect, Absolute Collagen can help reduce dry skin and minimise red patches. As an added bonus, it may also help plump skin from the inside out and keep wrinkles at a minimum.

While it’s best to consult with your doctor, adding a collagen supplement to your diet can work wonders for all areas of health.

Find out more about Absolute Collagen here.

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