How Collagen Can Help You With Weight Loss
Did you know that collagen is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight as you age?
Collagen doesn’t only help boost the appearance of skin and hair, but it can also fight obesity.
As you get older, the levels of collagen deplete in your body. This leads to extra fat, sagging skin and aching joints. In fact, your whole body is kept together by collagen protein, which makes up the majority of tissue that connects organs and skin.
Therefore, it makes sense that collagen originates from the Greek word 'kolla' - or 'glue'.
Collagen is broken down by enzymes and turns into amino acids – which are the basic building blocks of all protein.
These enter the bloodstream and are used by the liver to be converted into glucose and produce energy. The leftover amino acids are released into the bloodstream to the rest of the body.
Unfortunately, Western diets tend not to include many foods that naturally contain collagen, which is why many people are adding collagen supplements to their diet to ensure they maintain a healthy weight as they get older.
Here’s how collagen helps with weight loss
Collagen makes you feel full and suppresses appetite
One reason we eat protein is to ensure we feel satiated. Collagen protein has been studied in-depth and shown to make you feel full in comparison to other important proteins, such as soy and whey.
The lack of unnatural additives in collagen protein means that in its pure form, it can help to keep you full. And the longer you can maintain this, the more collagen can help you to lose weight - simply by reducing the need to eat.
Research among patients who suffered from obesity and diabetes showed that hydrolysed collagen had a similar effect to other hormones that help to make you feel you have eaten enough.
The result was that the patients could reduce food consumption as they no longer felt so hungry.
Collagen’s unique amino acid also profile means that it suppresses your appetite and promotes lean body mass.
Collagen preserves muscle mass
As you age, your body loses muscle and fat replaces it. Collagen cannot actually burn fat but can help to build lean muscle. This means that because the muscles are fed, the extra calories are used up, leading to a faster metabolism. As well as this, collagen contains high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which helps the blood vessels to open, boosting healthy circulation.
Collagen can keep your bones strong
When it comes to losing weight, there’s no miracle cure. One vital component is simply staying active and regularly moving around. To keep strong, you need to build your body up, avoiding injuries and joint pain. This is where collagen supplementation can help. One 24-week study showed that collagen supplementation helped to reduce joint pain in 97 athletes. It is clear that including collagen in your diet means you stay in top condition for the gym and other physical activity which support weight loss.
Collagen can smooth cellulite
That pesky orange peel skin can become a thing of the past if you introduce collagen supplements into your daily routine. Annoyingly, with age, cellulite starts to become more visible.
This is because the tissues that connect skin start to loosen, and an increase in cortisol levels, along with factors in the environment, can also play their role in worsening cellulite.
The good news is that collagen improves skin thickness, tightening skin, making cellulite less visible. By boosting the dermis layer, collagen plays an important role in hiding cellulite, giving you an overall slimmer appearance.
Smoother and less dimpled skin is definitely a plus point - and collagen can help you achieve this.
And here’s the proof!
Unlike many weight loss promoting products, hydrolysed Absolute Collagen contains no fillers, no binders, hormones, acids or forms of harsh processing - so it does not affect the natural functioning of your body.
One of our happy customers shares her own experience of collagen and weight loss.
We love hearing from our Absoluters and this is what Dia Powell wrote to our founder Maxine about her experience of losing weight with Absolute Collagen
“Oh my, I have found it to be such a great help on my dieting (and usually failing at dieting) journey.
So much so that since March of this year, I have lost almost eight stone in weight and the only thing that has changed is that I’ve been taking my Absolute Collagen daily! My energy levels are up and I don’t crave sugary snacks anymore!
"I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I feel like this. I’m a life-long failed dieter and have mostly always been on the chunky side, but I didn’t realise how big I had gotten and how much I had lost until I looked at two photos. One is in February of this year when I weighed 23st 3lb and one is from four days ago and I weigh 15st 5lb.
"As I say, I can only put it down to the supplements and I genuinely cannot thank you enough for creating such a wonderful product! I’m sure you hear of many success stories like mine every day, but I felt I had to share this with you... Heck, I want to scream it from the highest building!" –
Mrs Dia Powell