Collagen for excessive hair shedding
I wanted to talk to you this month about Excessive Hair Shedding which can be very frightening and traumatic if it is happening to you, and it is something that many of my patients over the last month have come to see me about.
Article by Eva Proudman MIT IAT
Collagen for excessive hair shedding
I have recommended Absolute Collagen in conjunction with a healthy diet change to many of my patients over the past month to help them recover healthy strong beautiful hair and have also seen a number of patients who have taken this supplement for the past 6 months and are delighted with the change in their hair health.
The excessive hair shedding has ceased and a normal growth cycle has resumed.
Firstly it is normal to shed some hair every day, we naturally shed around 100 hairs per day, when the shedding becomes very noticeable in the shower, brush, on your clothes or blocking the vacuum you know that you have a problem, but what can you do?
As a Trichologist I am looking at clinical signs, listening to your symptoms and identifying the cause of the excessive shedding throughout the consultation, which is key to getting the correct treatment plan for each individual.
In many cases diet and stress have a huge part to play in excessive hair shedding, with blood tests providing vital information on what is and isn’t supporting healthy hair and scalp from within.
Protein is vital to a normal healthy hair growth cycle, yet in talking to many of my patients I find out that Protein is the one thing that many are not consuming enough of and this in essence is literally starving the hair of the vital nutrition it needs to maintain its normal growing and shedding cycle.
Absolute Collagen offers is rich in antioxidants which prevent free radical damage to our body’s cells, Scientists in Japan in 2016 found that reduced levels of collagen in the stem cells next to the hair follicle caused more hair to be shed, in my study of Absolute Collagen we recorded a significant reduction in excess hair shedding when using this amazing supplement.
Absolute Collagen is just brilliant at providing an easy to take complete protein supplement, it provides a powerful nutritional boost and can really make a difference to the recovery time and return to normal hair shedding, each power packed sachet of Absolute Collagen provides vital nutrition for a Healthy Hair and Scalp, here is what it gives to you:
Amino Acid |
Benefit for the Hair. |
Arginine |
Helps to improve blood supply to the roots of the hair and encourages hair growth. |
Histidine |
Improves the tensile strength of the hair. |
Isoleucine |
Aids muscle recovery and usage of proteins, absorbing protein is key to healthy hair, Absolute Collagen is very easily absorbed. |
leucine |
Aids muscle recovery and usage of proteins absorbing protein is key to healthy hair, Absolute Collagen is very easily absorbed. |
Lysine |
Aids in the absorption of iron a major cause in excessive hair shedding. Increases the efficiency of DHT blockers in the body, DHT is a major factor in male pattern hair loss. |
Methionine |
Helps the body manufacture keratin, the main structure of the hair shaft, adds smoothness and shine to the hair. |
Phenylalanine |
Can help with the symptoms of depression, something that many people with hair and scalp concerns suffer from, we know that feeling better and managing stress has a positive impact on the hair growth and scalp. |
Threonine |
Essential for protein metabolisation, the formation of collagen and elastin. Can enhance the immune systems function. |
Needed for our metabolism, and for adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands, all of which have an impact on hair growth cycles, also good for treating anxiety and depression. |
To summarise Absolute Collagen used as part of an holistic dietary improvement plan can really boost the health of your hair and scalp, to find out If you could benefit from this fantastic supplement.
You can always email me at eva@absolutecollagen.com or if you are one of the many people that I see in clinic that is worried about your hair and scalp again drop me an email and I will be more than happy to advise on what you can do.