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How Absolute Collagen helps blood sugar
July 22, 2019

How Absolute Collagen helps blood sugar

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s likely that your GP will have told you to reduce your sugar intake.

A reduction in sugar, combined with regular exercise, are both important aspects of blood sugar regulation – but did you know that there’s another crucial, yet little known, element to your regime that could help control diabetes?

This scientifically backed healthcare tip involves supplementing your diet with collagen.

Supplementation with collagen can offer benefits that a controlled diet and increased exercise alone cannot.

Most diabetics suffer from declining levels of collagen production. While the amount of collagen our bodies produce naturally declines with age, for diabetics this happens much more rapidly.

In addition to helping increase collagen production, collagen supplements can also help to stabilise blood sugars, and this helps to prevent energy slumps or crashes.

This is because collagen contains large doses of glycine, which has been clinically proven to have a positive impact on insulin secretion and the maintenance of blood sugar levels.

Read on to find out how collagen and blood sugar work together.

Collagen and its role in the body

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, and the majority of tissues in the body contain collagen. It is known as a fibrillar protein, as collagen molecules assemble themselves into fibrils that act as a scaffold of sorts.

These scaffolds provide support for the cells in the body and provide tracks for cells to move along – similar to when white blood cells need to make their way to the site of an injury. Collagen is therefore integral to the communication between cells.

Why you should supplement with collagen

By the age of 21 most people naturally begin to produce less collagen. The signs are noticeable on the exterior of our bodies – think sagging skin, thinner hair and wrinkles. On the inside, depleted collagen manifests itself via weaker joints, bones and occasional arthritic pain.

As a diabetic, collagen production is further hampered by high blood sugar and a process known as glycation. This is when sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen within the body and inhibit its potential to function.

It’s a real concern as it leads to issues that include rapid ageing, slower healing of wounds, bruising and stiffening of tissues, which if left untreated can lead to connective tissue problems.

How can collagen help?

Supplementing with collagen can help to slow down diabetes-related ageing and contribute to the maintenance of a healthy body.

It can even alleviate inflammation, joint pain and stiffness. In some cases it could even promote weight loss.

When you take a collagen supplement you’re helping to restore your body’s own natural collagen supply, which is vital when it comes to soft tissue repair, improved skin, stronger bones and improved gut health.

Collagen and blood sugar stability

Diabetics must be incredibly careful when it comes to maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Healthy blood sugar helps to prevent energy spikes, which can put a strain on the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver.

Studies have demonstrated that blood sugar and blood insulin levels are likely to remain more stable in diabetic patients who consume collagen.

When combined with gelatine, collagen has been proven to be even more effective at stabilising blood sugar levels. A combination of collagen protein with carbs is arguably the best way to increase tolerance to glucose and stabilise blood sugar – and this means no more energy spikes and crashes!

Understanding blood glucose

Blood glucose is the term for sugar that is transported via the bloodstream to all cells in the body. It is necessary to help supply energy to these cells.

Each of us needs to keep our blood sugar levels within a safe range to reduce the risk of diabetes.

It is extremely important for those already living with the condition to control their blood sugar in order to avoid further complications or the development of other serious conditions such as heart disease.

Blood glucose levels fluctuate throughout the day – most notably after eating. After consuming food, blood glucose levels rise before settling after about an hour.

However, diabetes patients have issues with the control of blood glucose  – but this can be reversed with collagen supplements, a healthy diet and the right exercise regime.

Repairing the body

Collagen supplements are converted to glycine in the body, which is vital for glucose homeostasis and collagen repair.

Glycine is often classed as a ‘non-essential’ amino acid, which means that it is not typically required in the diet – this is because the body produces its own supply.

However, several studies have highlighted that diabetics often fail to produce enough glycine to support a healthy level of collagen synthesis.

Insufficient levels of glycine can lead to the slowing down of collagen production in otherwise healthy adults.

In addition to this, biologists have discovered a connection between low glycine levels and glucose intolerance. This suggests that reduced glycine could lead to a resistance to insulin, which ultimately results in type 2 diabetes.

Collagen is rich in glycine

Getting the right amount of protein is important for any adult, not just those with diabetes. However, most protein sources – and meat in particular – have low amounts of glycine.

Collagen supplements, on the other hand, contain ingredients that the body easily converts to glycine.

As a matter of fact, approximately 30% collagen is converted to glycine within the body. By supplementing with collagen, you’re providing the body with the necessary tools to produce the amounts of glycine needed to stimulate glucose tolerance.

It’s the clean, low-calorie way to control blood sugar, improve skin health and rebuild bones.

The right supplement for you

If you’re not a fan of taking supplements in pill form, the good news is that this won’t deter you from getting enough collagen into your diet.

Absolute Collagen’s supplements come in liquid form in a ready-to-drink sachet – simply tear open the sachet and enjoy on the go or at home. You can also mix it into your favourite smoothies, add to tea or coffee, or even swirl it into your morning yoghurt or porridge.

Those on a calorie-controlled diet don’t have to worry either.

Our protein-rich collagen supplements contain just 32 calories with each dose, and 90% of the collagen in the product is absorbable (hydrolysed collagen in liquid form is absorbed into the bloodstream much more easily and is kinder on the stomach).

Collagen and other supplements/medications

The good news is that collagen does not interact with other supplements or medications.

While it is always beneficial to discuss any new supplements with your GP, collagen supplements can be taken in conjunction with a prescription or over the counter medicines without any issues whatsoever.

Collagen is free from cholesterol and fat and will not affect blood cholesterol levels, which is crucial for those with heart issues.

Those with allergies need not worry either. Collagen supplements from Absolute Collagen contain no lactose, gluten, yeast, starch, sugars, pork derivatives or artificial colours/flavourings.

Fact check: what you need to know about collagen and blood sugar

There is a link between diabetes and diminishing collagen levels. Diabetics lose collagen much more quickly than non-diabetics, resulting in rapid ageing.

Collagen supplementation helps to reverse the effects of ageing and can improve overall health and wellbeing.

Taking collagen in combination with carbohydrates can help diabetics to stabilise their blood sugar levels more easily than simply eating carbs alone.

Diabetics have been found to have lower levels of glycine than healthy individuals. Low glycine levels correlate directly to insulin resistance and obesity.

Collagen supplements are abundant in glycine, which is a key component of diabetes regulation.

Collagen supplements are the best possible source of glycine available, as glycine is much more plentiful in collagen than it is in other protein sources such as meat.

The internal results of collagen supplements can be noticed in as little as two weeks in diabetic patients. After six weeks people typically report that their skin looks fuller and smoother.

Start supplementing with collagen today

If you are an older member of the population, or if you suffer from diabetes, you may want to start incorporating collagen supplements into your daily routine.

These supplements can help to control the symptoms of diabetes while simultaneously helping to improve your overall health.

Many people who start taking collagen supplements notice that they have increased energy, thicker hair and healthier skin. They can also play a role in the reduction of inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis.

With Absolute Collagen you’re guaranteed to get the most concentrated form of collagen at the best possible price.

Absolute Collagen products only contain hydrolysed marine collagen – the finest form of collagen for improving skin, nails and hair.

So why not try some today and reverse diabetes-related issues, feel better and look healthier? It’s the simple way to incorporate collagen into your diet.

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