Can men take collagen supplements?
Can men take collagen supplements? Absolutely! Collagen is found in everyone's body, regardless of gender, and taking a supplement will simply add to the stores your body is already producing.
If you've been asking yourself 'can men take collagen supplements?' then wonder no more; supplements should be embraced by everybody.
This guide will give you everything you need to know about collagen supplements and the benefits they can do for the health and appearance in men.
Men and collagen supplements
Many marketing campaigns seem to target their advertisements towards women, causing many people to ask: can men take collagen supplements too?
But the answer is simple. Collagen supplements are for everyone and the idea that they're only for women isn't true.
The complex collagen protein can nourish our skin and body, actively working to repair any damaged cells in our body.
Absolute Collagen’s drink supplement is perfect for men and can help to combat many physical problems, including stiff and sore muscles, aching joints, and hair loss. The formula is also infused with Vitamin C which truly is a match made in heaven.
Collagen supplements should be incorporated into your daily routine and are just as important as your morning run or protein shake.
After trying out collagen for yourself, you'll wonder how you ever lived without the miracle supplement.
7 reasons why men should use collagen supplements
Men deserve healthy bodies just as much as women, which is why we've compiled a list of seven reasons why men should use collagen supplements.
1. Collagen reduces the appearance of shaving rash
Most men have been there, with red scaly skin and some painful ingrown hairs.
Shaving rashes are incredibly common and are usually caused by dry shaving or razors that are too blunt. Sometimes life gets in the way and shaving in a rush simply has to be done and regretted later.
However, collagen is renowned for its skin healing properties and it can reduce the appearance of shaving rash as well as the pain associated with it.
Collagen is also great for other skin conditions that cause dry skin, with researching proving the supplement to be an effective treatment for eczema or dermatitis.
Collagen also increases sebum levels meaning a smoother shave, softer skin and thicker smoother hair.
2. It can help with joint pain
Maybe you've worked out too vigorously in the gym or maybe it's just a sign that you're getting older.
Whatever the reason, joint pain can stop you from enjoying life, so you need to do what you can to combat it.
If left untreated, joint pain can lead to conditions such as arthritis for which there is no cure.
Luckily, collagen supplements can help to lubricate and heal any damage to the joints and it can even prevent the debilitating condition from developing in the first place.
This means that you can be more active in your daily life, without feeling any pain in your knees or hips.
3. Collagen can make you look years younger
Can men take collagen supplements to look younger? Yes! Sun damage and harsh chemicals can really wreak havoc on our skin, making us look so much older.
For men who choose not to wear makeup, this ageing is constantly on show and can become a real insecurity.
Pricey lotions and anti-wrinkle creams will only get you so far.
Even creams that contain collagen won’t do much as they do not work to increase collagen production from the inside.
A more effective and natural anti-aging solution is to take collagen supplements.
They moisturise the skin and work to improve elasticity as well. Don't just take our word for it, scientific studies have found that people who take collagen supplements have less defined wrinkles and firmer looking skin. For best results, start taking collagen early.
4. Look forward to more productive gym sessions
Picture this: you're at the peak of your fitness levels, hitting your personal best on the treadmill, and then disaster strikes and you're forced to nurse an injury while your fitness depletes.
Injuries can be so frustrating, especially after you've worked so hard. If this sounds like you, then collagen supplements could become your new fitness secret weapon as they are way more effective than a protein shake.
Studies have shown collagen to be excellent at muscle repair, meaning that your body is able to bounce back from an injury faster and it can also prevent the injury from happening in the first place.
5. Reduces blood pressure
High blood pressure is a silent killer that can lead to heart disease or even a stroke.
Studies suggest that men suffer from hypertension more than women, so they should do everything they can to keep their blood pressure low, especially if they are older.
Collagen supplements are one great way to reduce blood pressure as they can help to heal any veins or arteries that have been damaged by the pressure.
Studies have also shown that collagen can reduce artery stiffness, meaning that the arteries can easily expand and contract to allow a steady blood flow.
6. Shed those last few pounds
While collagen is by no means a weight loss method, it can be used to shed those last few stubborn pounds when taken in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.
Even studies support this and those who take collagen supplements were found to have a lower overall body fat percentage.
If you're overweight and struggling to get to a healthier size, collagen supplements are easy to incorporate into your lifestyle and could help you on the way to feeling lighter.
7. Look forward to a full head of hair
Male pattern baldness is something most men experience and that receding hairline can really kick a man's confidence.
However, collagen is a surgery-free way to retain your luscious locks and prevent hair from thinning.
Hair is made up of keratin and when keratin levels deplete, so does our hair thickness. Collagen is responsible for the production of keratin, so having an abundance of the protein will help you hold onto your hair for longer.
If you've been thinking about getting a collagen supplement for yourself or a male loved one, then look no further than Absolute Collagen.