Can collagen supplements help with acne?
Many of us experience an odd pimple or blemish from time to time.
However, for others, bad skin days are a regular occurrence that can undermine their self-esteem.
This is particularly the case if the flare-ups are left untreated.
While there are a number of treatments out there for those who suffer from acne and other skin conditions, some of the latest research links collagen supplements as a treatment for acne.
So, what is the relationship between collagen and acne? Collagen supplements are becoming more and more popular as a remedy for severe acne as it is thought that they have a number of benefits for the skin.
Benefits include helping to reduce the appearance of acne scars, dry skin and eczema.
If you're interested in improving and maintaining the condition of your skin, collagen supplements may provide the help you need.
Before we list the benefits, let's first take a look at acne in more detail.
What is acne and what symptoms are there?
Acne, otherwise referred to as acne vulgaris, is arguably one of the most common skin conditions.
Anyone can suffer from acne – it doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, young or old. However, the condition is more prevalent throughout the teenage years.
Acne occurs when glands within the skin produce too much natural oil. When this oil, otherwise known as sebum, is secreted, it clogs the pores and causes a pimple to appear on the skin’s epidermis (outermost layer).
Bacteria in the oil causes inflammation, and a build-up of sebum leads to a cluster of pimples appearing, making the breakout more noticeable on the skin.
In turn, free radical electrons within the skin also set about attacking the collagen (a protein that supports your skin's connective tissues) and weakening its structure, leading to inflammation.
Acne is not something that can always be explained as there are a number of different causes – these include changes to hormone levels in your teens, menstruation, a change in the hair or skin products that you use, certain medications and stress.
Acne has also been identified as a hereditary trait, which means you may find that you’re more likely to suffer from it if your parents did. Unfortunately, like a lot of genetic traits, it isn’t something that can be easily fixed.
Acne symptoms can vary from person to person but, generally speaking, can include whiteheads, which are closed plogged pores; blackheads, which are open plogged pores; papules which are small, tender bumps; and pustules, which are standard pimples with a small amount of pus on the surface.
More serious cases of acne may include nodules, which are large and painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin.
These sore bumps and lumps can be both physically and emotionally painful if left untreated. So, how can collagen supplements help?
5 ways that collagen supplements help with acne
The bacteria that causes acne is renowned for damaging the skin by weakening the structure of cells in the skin’s lower levels.
However, collagen supplements work to replace the damaged collagen in the skin, which is broken down when free radical electrons attack.
They repair the damage done to the skin's connective tissues, binding together and reforming the matrix that makes up the skin’s complex structure. Here are five ways collagen helps replenish acne-prone skin:
1. Contains active amino acids
Collagen, and consequently collagen supplements, contains amino acids such as proline and glycine.
These amino acids work to reduce inflammation from the inside out. This essentially means that by taking collagen supplements, the swollen, inflamed skin surrounding nodules, pustules and other types of blemish will be significantly reduced, allowing the skin to repair and replenish itself.
2. Helps heal wounds
The temptation to pop and pick at acne spots is very tempting but this can be particularly damaging to your skin.
Collagen supplements encourage the skin to repair itself by replacing damaged tissue and reducing inflammation.
Collagen forms within the gaps of broken skin, replacing lost volume and ensuring that any wounds heal properly. This also prevents any further bacteria from entering the wound and causing infection.
3. Improves skin complexion
Collagen doesn't just repair the skin tissues, it also helps to improve the look and feel of your complexion, adding volume to acne pits that may well have formed.
This gives you a smoother, fuller and younger looking appearance.
4. Replaces lost elasticity
Scientists suggest that around 80% of the skin of those under 25 is made up of collagen.
As you get older, the levels of this protein tail off significantly, resulting in thinner skin and a loss of elasticity.
Using collagen supplements, however, helps ensure that the amount of collagen in your body remains at a constant level and can continue to help heal the wounds, scars and other side effects of acne.
5. Strengthens skin structure
Whilst increasing your collagen intake can ensure that your face remains free of acne symptoms by reducing inflammation and helping repair damaged tissues, it can also provide benefits for the rest of your body.
Higher levels of collagen in the body help protect the skin from chemicals and environmental aggressors, meaning that the chances of free radicals breaking away, oxidising cells and forming pimples are much lower.
Your skin will feel firmer, more voluminous and smoother, with any bumps and skin craters caused by a history of acne repaired too.
How can Absolute Collagen help?
If you are suffering from acne and are tired of products failing you, then why not try Absolute Collagen? Just one concentrated 10ml daily dose of collagen can help fight the most serious cases of acne and help you regain control of your skin.
Each 10ml dose contains 8g of pure hydrolysed marine collagen peptides. Absolute Collagen is easy to take on the go and comes ready-mixed for your convenience. Plus, as a natural sweetener, it can even be added to tea or coffee.
Leave the stress and pain of inflamed acne flare-ups behind when you try Absolute Collagen.