#Absoluter Jamie Explains Why You Should Take Absolute Collagen
This week, Jamie, one of our male #Absoluters, talks about the brilliant benefits of taking collagen in a fun new video.
There are so many reasons why collagen is great for you, and even if you’ve done your research, you might not know all the ways you can benefit.
In the video below, Jamie explains why drinkable collagen supplements are so important in helping us look and feel our best!
Here’s a quick rundown on why Absolute Collagen’s drinkable collagen supplements are great for your whole body.
We naturally produce collagen, but production starts to decline as early as 25. That’s why saggy skin and wrinkles are so common the older you get. It’s estimated that by 40, more than a third of our natural collagen is lost.
Absolute Collagen liquid collagen supplements top up your collagen levels from the inside-out, keeping skin firmer and youthful as you age.
Collagen is actually the largest and most abundant protein in our bodies. Not only does collagen rebuild joints - keeping them strong and healthy - it also assists with lean muscle gain.
Each sachet of Absolute Collagen contains 8 grams of protein, which is essential for helping muscles and joints recover quickly post workout.
Did you know that collagen can help your luscious locks, too? In fact- Jamie’s favourite benefit of our drinkable collagen supplements is how keeps his hair thick, shiny, and smooth (but that’s just personal preference!).
Collagen can make your hair grow faster, as well as keep it strong and less prone to breakage. In some cases, #Absoluters have even pointed out that after taking Absolute Collagen, their usually thin hair became thicker.
You can read up on all the other benefits Absolute Collagen has to offer here.
Remember- the best benefits of Absolute Collagen come from a daily dose, so always take one sachet a day.
And you don’t want to miss your chance to win THREE free month’s of Absolute Collagen! Attitude Magazine is giving away £180 worth of AC goodies to one lucky winner.
Enter for your chance to win here: bit.ly/win-stud-box
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or want to find out more. Plus, connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for all the latest AC news.