3 quick sleep hacks for a better night’s sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential for everything. It’s important for your body, your mind, and even your skin. If you’re someone who tosses and turns more than they’d like, then our quick sleep hacks are for you.
Why is sleep so important? Well, if you’re sleep deprived, your body produces more cortisol. Cortisol is also known as the 'stress hormone' as it throws other hormones out of whack.
Bad sleep is also linked to weight gain, impaired brain function, and even health problems. Oh, and bad skin, too.
So getting a good amount of quality shut-eye is vital for your health and your skin. If you're prone to bouts of insomnia or can't stop tossing and turning, then these three quick sleep hacks can help you out.
Lavender is universally beloved for a reason. It's healing properties are impressive and wide-reaching. Lavender calms the nervous system. It lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and the temperature of your skin.
Spritzing some lavender oil on your pillow can help you fall asleep faster. Many aromatherapists use it for anxiety and insomnia, so if you need an extra push into dreamland, this might help.
Warm shower or bath
Being exhausted after a long day shouldn’t give us an excuse to ignore one of the best quick sleep hacks. Not only is washing before bed good for your skin, but it also helps you fall asleep faster.
Here's why it works. When you go to sleep, your body cools down, which signals your brain to release melatonin. After taking a warm bath or shower, the warm water on your body evaporates. This actually cools your body down, which tells your brain it's time to go to sleep.
Even if you don't love to shower at night, you should definitely remove your makeup. It can block skin pores, cause breakouts, and prevent your skin from breathing properly during the night. While it's not a sleep hack, it does keep your skin looking healthy and fresh.
Do your thoughts start racing a mile a minute as soon as the lights go off? If yes, that could be what's making sleep so hard.
Another of our quick sleep hacks is to meditate daily. Teaching your brain to turn off and slow down will help you fall asleep faster as it will hopefully stop those racing thoughts.
Daily meditation is also linked to mental wellbeing and less stress.
Start by taking it slow; do just 5 minutes, then slowly increase until you hit 20 minutes. This will help you quiet your brain and teach your body how to turn off when you need it to.
And there you have it, these three simple and quick sleep hacks should help make a night of sleep as beneficial as it’s supposed to be.
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